Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Final Generation*

All indications are that we may be the final generation before the return of Christ. It is important, therefore, for the Body of Christ to "light their lamps", and be about Kingdom business, and not about what's going on in the world. We will be looking at what that final generation will be seeing, and preparing, according to scripture. In the Book of Amos, the Word of the LORD to the prophet is: "Surely the LORD God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7). The prophets of scripture have given us a clear view of the last days, or the latter times. We still need the prophets. There are prophets today, as well as apostles, given by God to prepare the Church, and to teach the Church the way to unity of faith, and perfection in Christ (Eph. 4). The prophet Amos also wrote that God intended to bring His people Israel back from among the nations, and to "raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen...I will raise up his ruins, and I will bind it as in the days of old." (Amos 9:9, 11, 14-15). Not only does the LORD promise to restore Israel and His tabernacle, but to insure that Israel will possess "the remnant of Edom, and of all the heathen, which are called by my name, saith the LORD that doeth this." (v.12). There are "heathens", or Gentiles, that the LORD revealed to Amos, that are also called by His name. We have seen Israel restored and blooming, and we have witnessed and experienced the LORD's call to the Gentiles as well. We will surely also see the building of the third temple in Israel. Items are being prepared now in Israel for the third temple. Jesus also spoke of the existence of a third temple when His disciples asked Him about the sign of His coming, and the end of the age: "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place..." (Mt. 24:3, 15). Jesus was telling us that there is yet to be an abomination of desolation, other than the one which had previously taken place in history. There must be a temple in existence for the abomination to take place in the holy place, a chamber of the temple. Jesus continued in Mt. 24 to speak of a worldwide destruction that had never been seen before (v. 21-22). In this great tribulation, no flesh would survive unless God shortens the days for His elect's sake. We have never before seen in history until this generation the kind of weapons, a nuclear arsenal, that could cause this great of a mass destruction with the potential to end all life. Immediately after this event, there will be a shaking of the heavens - the sun and moon will be darkened, and stars will fall from the heavens (v. 29). Then the Son of man will be seen coming in the clouds of heaven. A great sound of a trumpet will be heard and the elect will be gathered from one end of heaven to another. (v. 30-31). Paul also wrote about the rapture, which is the gathering of the dead in Christ, and the yet living, to meet the LORD in the air. Because of the great sounding of a trumpet, this event could be associated with the Feast of Trumpets. This event could occur at any time. Then Christ connected these events with the sign of the budding of the fig tree, or Israel, which we have seen miraculously restored as a nation within our generation: "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." (v. 32-34). We are guaranteed of this promise because the Word of God does not pass away (v. 35). Jesus' instruction to us regarding the timing of these events: "Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come...Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man cometh." (v. 42-44). Although we may not know the hour of His return according to Jesus, we can know the day, and we can certainly know by the signs, the season of His return. Luke reported that Jesus said to watch for His return from the wedding, and to be ready to open the door immediately when He knocks. He blesses those who will keep watch for Him, even into the second or third watch of the night. Jesus assured Peter that His words here are for all who are found being faithful and wise stewards, who watch and keep their commitment to their Master's household - to feed them in due season (Lk. 12:35-42). Are we just professing Christ or are we being Christians in the manner of which Jesus spoke? The prophet Hosea also spoke of the timing of the second and third day: "Come and let us return unto the LORD...After two days he will revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight...and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth." (Hos. 6:1-3). Peter wrote that one day in the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years are as one day (2 Pet. 3:8). Considering this, we are finishing the second day (2000 years), and entering the third day (3,000 years) since that death and resurrection of Jesus. This should give us much to consider regarding the timing of Christ's return. Moses was commanded by God that His people should sanctify themselves and wash their clothes in order to be ready on the third day: "...for the third day the LORD will come down in the sight of all the people upon mount Sinai." (Ex. 19:10-11). Later in scripture, Queen Esther put on her royal robes and stood before her husband the King in his chamber on the third day (Est. 5:1). On the third day, there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee, which Jesus and His disciples attended. He performed there the miracle of turning water into the best wine of the wedding. When the disciples saw His first miracle, done on the third day, through which Jesus displayed His glory, they believed on Him (Jn. 2:1, 11). Here there was a third day marriage -the marriage of the Lamb has come! Peter wrote to those who would be the generation to see Christ's return. Though scoffers would come denying the approach of the judgment of God, Peter said to stir up our minds instead with the words of the prophets and the commandments of the apostles. The first judgment against the whole earth was achieved through the flooding by water. The next judgment against the whole earth through that same prophetic Word given to Noah, would be by fire. Although the Lord is longsuffering toward us because He doesn't desire any to perish, but for all to come to repentance, the day of the Lord will come as "a thief in the night", as Jesus also said. This sure prophetic Word of God should have an effect upon the manner of persons that we are to be, according to Peter. That manner should be: "...in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hastening unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat...". We should also be looking for the new heavens and the new earth of righteousness, and "...be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot , and blameless." (2 Peter 3:1-14). Considering the signs we are seeing, I believe that we are the generation that will see the return of the Lord. We should be preparing, praying and saying, "Maranatha; Come Lord Jesus", and praying for the promised harvest of salvation in Israel. Having our lamps lit, we should be reaching out to all. *Based on Dr. Kenneth E. Stevenson's 7/24/2022 message to the church. To contact us, submit a prayer request, give a praise report, or to support this ministry: P.O. Box 154221, Waco, TX, 76705 OR Everlastingcovenant@ymail.com. You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, theshroudofturin.org, and endtimeschool, also on Facebook.

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