Monday, March 19, 2018

Will You Be An April Fool?

One account of the origin of the phrase "April Fool", centers around the observance of the new year. Scripture declares that the beginning of the new year occurs at Passover, in the month of Nisan, or March/April. Empires changed, and calendars changed, even the church decided to separate itself from the Passover, and the new year began to be observed in January instead. If people continued to observe the Biblical new year, they were referred to as "April fools". Scripture has many things to say about fools, as well:
"The fool (nabal- senseless; to sink or drop down, languish, wither and fall, fade) hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good."  Ps. 14:1, Ps. 53:1
While all of us have failed to "do good", the fool has rejected his only remedy-the LORD. Who but a fool would reject the only remedy to death?
Jesus told the parable of a rich man who had reaped so much fruit from his fields, that his main concern in life was how he could store up all of his goods for future enjoyment. If he could store up enough, he would not have to worry or labor the rest of his life, but he could instead "eat, drink, and be merry" (Lk. 12:15-19). So he tore down his old barns, and built new larger barns to hold all the fruits of his fields. However, God called him a fool, telling him, "...this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?" (V. 20). This fool was someone who believed that accumulating wealth for himself was most important, and neglected the things of God. Those things that he valued would be no good to him at his moment of death. The future life of ease that he had pictured, never came to pass. Only a fool would put all of his efforts into hoarding fruit that will eventually rot anyway, instead of investing his efforts into those things that last eternally.
The recent passings of two diverse men of public stature, Rev. Billy Graham and astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, may, according to scripture, also be an example of two diverse futures. Billy Graham, from a young age, committed himself, his whole life, to the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in which he so deeply believed. Many found salvation in the Gospel as he preached. He is considered to be one of the greatest evangelists of our time. Stephen Hawking studied the heavens, and remarked on many occasions that science offered a more convincing explanation of the universe than a belief in God. He identified himself as an atheist. Hawking was considered to be one of the greatest scientists of our time.
Jesus told this parable regarding the passing of two different kinds of men in Lk. 16:19-31. It is certainly a parable for our times. Again, one man is very rich, but unnamed, and the other, Lazarus ("whom God helps: surrounds, protects, aids, relieves"), is a poor, diseased beggar, but he carries the name of God. Both men die. In death, the two men's conditions are as different as they were in life. Now, however, the unnamed rich man finds himself tormented in hell, while the poor man, Lazarus, was carried by angels into "Abraham's Bosom" (v. 22-23). Seeing Lazarus and Abraham afar off, the rich man begs Abraham to allow Lazarus to bring even a drop of cool water to his parched throat, as he is tormented in flame. This is impossible, however, because there is a great gulf fixed forever separating the two areas, Abraham explained. Then the rich man asks Abraham to send Lazarus back to the rich man's family, to warn his brothers, so they wouldn't also end up in this terrible place of torment (v. 27-28). Abraham answers that the rich man's brothers have their warning from the words of Moses and the prophets. If they won't believe their words, they also won't believe and repent even if a man were to be sent back from the dead (v. 29-31).
These are the words of Moses, given to him by the LORD, that the rich man and his brothers did not heed:
"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore, choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: that thou mayest love the LORD thy God, and that thou mayest cleave unto Him: for He is thy life, and the length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them."  Deut. 30:19-20
These words of Moses, and all of scripture, puts this same choice before every one: the choice of life or death, blessing or cursing. The LORD even spells out which choice to make:
"Choose life!".
There have been many testimonies of those who have returned from death, and near-death experiences, sent back from the dead, as the rich man requested of Abraham in the parable. They are witnesses to heaven, and some have witnessed and experienced hell. One man, Dr. Richard Eby, experienced both heaven and hell, and wrote of his experiences in two books: "Caught Up Into Paradise", and "Tell Them I Am Coming". There are many books and witness accounts, even from medical doctors, who relate these experiences.
Will you be like the foolish rich man and his brothers, who, caught up in the enjoyment of their earthly comfort, never listened to Moses and the prophets, and never made the choice for life? Will you be like some who have heard the testimonies of those who have been sent back from the dead, but choose to ignore them?
The choice has been set before you this day, and heaven and earth record it. Life and death, blessing and cursing. Which will you choose? Choose life!
Let's pray this prayer together:
Jesus, I want to know You as my Lord, and as my Savior, who covers my sins, and cleanses my heart. Come into my heart, and also fill me with the Holy Spirit, who will lead me into all truth, and will teach me how to follow You. I believe that You are the Son of God, the Messiah, that You were crucified for me, and rose from the dead to give me everlasting life. I believe that You are coming again. I choose life! 
Lord Jesus, in Your name I believe, pray, and receive all of these things. Amen.
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